
Marital Truth

When two people fall in love, their personal truth galaxies collide. Should their spirits harmonize, their galaxies will merge and birth a marital truth galaxy. 


That spiritual harmony springs from the sharing and reconciliation of needed understandings. The critical groundwork is laid in the premarital exchanges. The details are too vast to document. We get a rare glimpse in the case of Walter and Margaret, two spiritual soulmates whose entire courtship took place by letters after briefly meeting in the fall of 1937. The books below are a personal take by a son at how the many faceted  understandings implicit in the letters played out in their lives and his.


Our next stop is a look the basic desires, concerns, orientations, and guiding spirits that underlie the human interactions by which our galaxies of truth arise.

"When I feel I have chosen God"

is a download of the introduction and first chapter of the first book of the trilogy wherein the exchanges of the two soul mates explore the overlap in their personal truth galaxies as they get to know each other.

"One question dwells on my mind"

is a download of the introduction and first chapter of the second book wherein the exchanges of the two soulmates, now seriously in love, have moved on to issues and understandings that must be resolved  for a compatible merging of their personal truth galaxies .

"A home both earthly and heavenly"

is a download of the opening chapter of the third book in which they prepare for their life together and the birthing of their marital galaxy of which these books are just three of its many suns.

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