
Institutional Truth

Science, art, philosophy and religion differ by the types of truths they explore and by their methods for finding and conveying them. Scientists downplay personal feeling in their explanations of observed fact. Artists may totally ignore material fact in their emotionally captivating performances. Philosophers only anecdotally take material facts and personal feelings into their reasoned arguments. In stark contrast with the other three, religious leaders incorporate emotionally held facts in their testimonies and moral exhortations. We need all four. And, we cannot fully appreciate the sources, methods, and contributions of any one of them without some appreciation of the same for the other three. This is especially true when trying to clarify why unifying religious truths are needed to unite us and when exposing how distorted religious truths can be used to divide us. That need and complementarity is addressed in this download.

The constellations of group truth authoritatively propagated by the leaders and influencers of groups sharing interests and allegiances is our next stop.

Freeing Unifying Religious Truths from Their Partisan Entanglements 

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